Fundacion Internacional de la Comunidad A.C. / Kyoto Prize and Scholarship Program

Lizzette Weber • Jun 10, 2024

For the last 23 years, the Kyoto Symposium Organization (KSO) has facilitated a scholarship program for high school seniors in San Diego and Tijuana, in partnership with the San Diego Foundation and Fundación Internacional de la Comunidad A.C. (FIC). Supported by over $4.8 million in grants from the Inamori Foundation, these programs offer invaluable educational opportunities to deserving students.

We have had the privilege of serving as an education advisory board member with FIC for the last two years, a non-profit based in Tijuana, Mexico. Through this role, I participate annually in the adjudication committee for the Tijuana student scholarships. This experience has allowed me to witness firsthand the exceptional talent and innovation in our community. I am excited to continue this collaboration for many years to come and make a meaningful impact on high school students and our community's lives by highlighting the importance of nurturing and supporting young talent.

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By Lizzette Weber 12 Jul, 2024
Did you know? According to a 2023 Gallup poll, 45% of full-time employees in the U.S. are now working remotely at least part of the time. Additionally, a 2023 McKinsey report found that 58% of employees prefer a hybrid work model. Discover how these trends are reshaping the workplace landscape and what it means for your organization in our latest newsletter. Whether it's remote, hybrid, or in-person, flexibility is key to attracting and retaining top talent in the evolving world of work. Read our Newsletter on LinkedIn here...
By Lizzette Weber 12 Jul, 2024
An unforgettable evening celebrating the strength and spirit of the Latino community! Talent Connect Executive Search & HR Solutions, a proud Latino-owned company championing diversity and inclusion, was thrilled to sponsor the "Latinos Unidos" event at the Jamul Casino Rooftop. Congratulations to the San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce , National Latina Women Business Association [NLBWA-SD], Latin Business Association , La Revista Binacional , SAN DIEGO LA RAZA LAWYERS ASSOCIATION , and NAHREP San Diego- NAHREP - National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals® for organizing this successful gathering. Witnessing leaders and businesses unite to make a meaningful impact in our community was truly inspiring. With over 250 guests from various community partnerships, it was an incredible opportunity to connect and network. A special thanks to our amazing team members who attended and those who supported us in spirit. Chrysanne Weber Anaid Alvarez Nicole Yee Jared Priscila Cruz Lorís Maymes Kassouf Together, we're making a positive impact and fostering a strong, united community! View our LinkedIn post here...
By Lizzette Weber 13 Jun, 2024
Talent Connect recently partnered with the SCEDC (South County Economic Development Council) to contribute to the Young Entrepreneurs Academy. In this program, Talent Connect provided mentorship in personal branding to senior high school students who aspire to become entrepreneurs. The mentorship focused on helping students develop their personal brand, equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively present themselves and their business ideas. Through workshops and one-on-one sessions, Talent Connect's mentors guided students in creating a compelling personal brand that reflects their unique strengths and entrepreneurial vision. This initiative aims to empower young entrepreneurs with the confidence and tools needed to succeed in their future business endeavors.
By Lizzette Weber 10 Jun, 2024
As an active board member of the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce, our company is deeply committed to supporting and enriching the local business community. Through our volunteer efforts, we collaborate with fellow business leaders to promote economic development, advocate for local businesses, and drive initiatives that enhance the quality of life in Chula Vista. Our involvement includes participating in strategic planning sessions, organizing community events, and providing mentorship to emerging entrepreneurs. By working closely with the Chamber, we strive to foster a thriving business environment that benefits all members of our community. Our dedication to volunteerism reflects our belief in the power of community engagement and our ongoing commitment to making a positive impact in Chula Vista.
By Lizzette Weber 05 Jun, 2024
Congratulations to our Founder and CEO Lizzette Weber for being installed as a member of the Board of Directors for the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce! The installation dinner was a memorable event, with Mayor John McCann graciously administering the oath and proclaiming the new board members.
By Lizzette Weber 03 Jun, 2024
Join Latinos Unidos of San Diego for an exclusive networking event, in partnership with the San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce , San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association , National Latina Business Women Association-San Diego [NLBWA-SD] , La Revista Binacional , Latin Business Association , and The National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals NAHREP San Diego . Latinos Unidos of San Diego June 27 at Jamul Casino 5:30-8:30 pm Connect with professionals, business leaders, and community members in a celebration of unity and culture like no other. Don't miss this unique opportunity to connect, foster collaboration, share knowledge and resources, and celebrate our vibrant community! Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information, please contact Register here:
By Lizzette Weber 03 Apr, 2024
Dear Talent Connect Community,In today's interconnected world, fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace culture isn't just a nice-to-have— it's a strategic imperative that drives innovation, fosters collaboration, and fuels business success. At Talent Connect Executive Search and HR Solutions, we're committed to helping our clients build teams that reflect the rich tapestry of human experience. Here are some specific ways that you can ensure you have an inclusive and diverse culture and team: 1) Review Your Hiring Practices: Take a close look at your recruitment and hiring processes to ensure they are inclusive and bias-free. Consider implementing blind resume reviews, diverse hiring panels, and targeted outreach to underrepresented groups to attract a more diverse pool of candidates. 2) Invest in Diversity Training: Provide ongoing education and training for your team members to raise awareness and understanding of diversity issues. Offer workshops, seminars, and online courses that focus on topics such as unconscious bias, cultural competency, and inclusive leadership. 3) Promote Inclusive Leadership: Empower your leaders to champion diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Encourage them to lead by example, actively listen to diverse perspectives, and create opportunities for all team members to contribute and thrive. 4) Create Safe Spaces for Dialogue: Foster open and honest communication by creating safe spaces for dialogue and discussion. Encourage team members to share their experiences, perspectives, and ideas, and actively listen to their feedback and concerns. 5) Celebrate Diversity: Recognize and celebrate the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of your team members. Host cultural events, heritage months, and diversity celebrations to showcase the richness of your organization's diversity. 6) Offer Employee Resource Groups: Establish employee resource groups (ERGs) or affinity groups to provide support, networking, and mentorship opportunities for underrepresented employees. These groups can help foster a sense of belonging and community within your organization. 7) Regularly Assess and Measure Progress: Continuously assess and measure your organization's progress towards building an inclusive and diverse culture. Collect data on demographics, employee engagement, and retention rates to identify areas for improvement and track your progress over time. By implementing these strategies, you can create a workplace culture where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to bring their authentic selves to work. Together, let's build stronger teams that reflect the diverse world we live in and drive positive change in our organizations and communities. Thank you for your commitment to inclusion and diversity. Together, we can make a difference. Warm regards,  Talent Connect Executive Search & HR Solutions
By Lizzette Weber 20 Mar, 2024
The wrong hire – especially in a leadership position – can cost a company a quarter of a million dollars according to a SHRM survey . In addition to lost funds, a bad executive hire can also lead to economic uncertainty for shareholders, instability in customer or client relationships, strained employee morale and lost momentum. To reduce the risk of a bad hire, many organizations employ standardized talent acquisition strategies for assessing candidates. One of the most prominent and effective methods today is behavioral interviewing.  Behavioral interviewing is an interview technique that uses past behavior to predict future performance. It aims to uncover specific examples and patterns of behavior in candidates by asking questions about their experiences, actions and outcomes in previous roles. This strategy can help executive search professionals determine a candidate’s ability to excel in a leadership position. Together, we’ll explore behavioral interviewing's effectiveness in uncovering key competencies and predicting future performance for tomorrow’s leaders. 5 ADVANTAGES OF BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEWING Behavioral interviewing enhances the rigor, objectivity, and effectiveness of executive talent assessment by providing a structured approach to evaluating candidates' past experiences, behaviors and competencies in relation to the demands of the executive position. 1. PREDICTIVE VALIDITY Behavioral interviewing focuses on past behavior as a predictor of future performance. For executive roles where leadership, decision-making and strategic thinking are paramount, understanding how candidates have behaved in similar situations in the past provides valuable insights into their potential for success in the role. 2. ASSESSMENT OF EXECUTIVE COMPETENCIES Behavioral interviewing allows assessors to probe candidates on specific examples of when they have demonstrated leadership competencies in their previous roles, providing a more accurate assessment of their suitability for the executive position. 3. DEPTH OF INSIGHT Behavioral interviewing requires candidates to provide detailed examples of their experiences, actions and outcomes, allowing interviewers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the candidate's capabilities, leadership style and decision-making processes. 4. REDUCTION OF BIAS By focusing on objective evidence of past behavior, behavioral interviewing can help to minimize unconscious bias in the assessment process. Instead of relying on subjective judgments or gut feelings, assessors can often make more informed decisions based on concrete examples of a candidate's performance and behavior. When using the behavioral interviewing strategy, it is recommended that organizations use hiring teams – three to five individuals – to assess candidates. Creating Competitive Advantage Through Fairness, Inclusion and Belonging through the use of diverse hiring committees (interviewers with varying perspectives and backgrounds), there is a reduction of bias and it signals to the candidate that the organization is committed to diversity. 5. ALIGNMENT WITH ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS Culture is a key driver of organizational success, and, according to Harvard Business School, leaders have a strong influence on shaping culture. This demonstrates the importance of ensuring selected candidates are not only capable of fulfilling the requirements of the executive role but also fit well within the organizational context. Behavioral interviewing can be tailored to assess specific competencies and behaviors that are aligned with the organization's values, culture and strategic objectives.
By Lizzette Weber 10 Mar, 2024
As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the workforce in California, it's imperative for organizations to stay ahead of the curve. At Talent Connect Executive Search & HR Solutions, we not only recognize the unique challenges faced by businesses in the Golden State but are committed to providing actionable strategies that empower companies to thrive in this dynamic environment. Talent Shortages: One of the primary workforce challenges in California is the persistent talent shortage across various industries. From technology to healthcare, companies are grappling with the difficulty of finding and retaining skilled professionals. This scarcity not only hampers growth but also places added pressure on existing employees, affecting productivity and overall morale. Addressing the persistent talent shortage requires a proactive approach. Employers can take immediate action by establishing partnerships with local universities and vocational schools to create pipelines of skilled candidates. Consider offering competitive salaries, flexible work arrangements, and robust professional development opportunities to attract and retain top talent. Remote Work Dynamics: The shift towards remote work, accelerated by the global pandemic, has become a permanent fixture in the professional landscape. While remote work offers flexibility, it also poses challenges in terms of collaboration, communication, and maintaining a cohesive company culture. Encourage regular virtual team-building activities, invest in communication tools, and establish clear expectations for remote work. Additionally, provide training for managers to lead remote teams effectively, ensuring productivity and maintaining a positive company culture. Diversity and Inclusion: California is a melting pot of cultures and backgrounds, and fostering diversity and inclusion is crucial for success. Companies that fail to embrace these values risk losing out on top talent and may face reputational damage. Talent Connect is dedicated to helping organizations create inclusive workplaces that celebrate diversity and promote equal opportunities. For organizations aiming to foster diversity and inclusion, implement structured diversity training programs for employees and leadership. Actively seek out diverse talent through targeted recruitment efforts and partnerships with diverse professional organizations. Regularly assess and update diversity and inclusion policies to create an inclusive workplace culture. Skill Gaps and Continuous Learning: In a rapidly changing technological landscape, skill gaps are a constant concern. Employees need continuous training and development to stay relevant. To bridge skill gaps and promote continuous learning, organizations should invest in comprehensive training programs. Develop partnerships with online learning platforms and offer employees opportunities to upskill and reskill. Encourage a culture of continuous learning by recognizing and rewarding employees who actively engage in professional development. Regulatory Compliance: California's complex regulatory environment, including labor laws and compliance requirements, can be overwhelming for businesses. Regularly conduct audits of HR policies and practices to ensure compliance with labor laws. Stay informed about changes in regulations and leverage legal expertise to create robust compliance frameworks. Provide ongoing training for HR teams to stay updated on the latest legal requirements. Talent Connect provides expert guidance to help organizations navigate these regulations, ensuring they stay on the right side of the law while focusing on their core operations. Conclusion: As we face the myriad workforce challenges in California, Talent Connect Executive Search & HR Solutions stands as a beacon of support for businesses striving to overcome these obstacles. By providing strategic solutions, fostering diversity, and addressing talent shortages, we empower organizations to thrive in the ever-evolving professional landscape. Let's work together to build a resilient and dynamic workforce that propels California's businesses to new heights.
By Lizzette Weber 12 Aug, 2023
This program is designed for Mexican women in San Diego County who wish to start or grow their own businesses. The Women Entrepreneurs Consular Entrepreneurship Program for Mexican Women Abroad (PCEME) will take place from May to September 2024. The PCEME aims to provide women of Mexican origin living abroad with educational tools, information, and training in entrepreneurship to help them develop and establish their business ideas.  Talent Connect staff has provided mentorship and training to participants in various areas, including staffing and recruiting, human resources, and marketing.
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