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En Talent Connect, somos una firma boutique de búsqueda de ejecutivos y soluciones de contratación de personal dedicada a ayudar a los clientes a cubrir puestos "difíciles de encontrar" o altamente especializados en diversos sectores e industrias en ambos lados de la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México. Nos comprometemos a asociarnos con usted para lograr sus objetivos de contratación con precisión, excelencia y un profundo conocimiento del dinámico panorama internacional.

Además de nuestros servicios especializados de contratación, ofrecemos servicios integrales de consultoría en recursos humanos. Nuestra experiencia incluye cumplimiento normativo, manuales para empleados y creación de paquetes de compensación y beneficios, entre otros servicios. Nos aseguramos de que su organización esté completamente equipada para gestionar sus recursos humanos de manera eficaz y en consonancia con los estándares de la industria.

Valoramos la diversidad y creemos que una fuerza laboral diversa impulsa la innovación y el éxito. Al fomentar prácticas inclusivas, ayudamos a nuestros clientes a formar equipos que reflejen una amplia gama de perspectivas y experiencias.

Atendemos a sectores como el manufacturero, el comercial y el sin fines de lucro. Nuestra misión es agilizar los procesos de contratación de nuestros clientes, garantizando la eficiencia y, al mismo tiempo, ayudando a nuestros candidatos a conseguir empleos satisfactorios que tengan un impacto positivo en sus vidas.

Nuestros servicios


Identificamos talentos de primer nivel para satisfacer sus necesidades de liderazgo, enfocándonos en personas con las habilidades y la experiencia para impulsar su organización hacia adelante.


Asociarse con nosotros le garantiza encontrar la persona adecuada para su equipo. Nos tomamos el tiempo para comprender sus necesidades específicas y le ofrecemos candidatos que no solo están calificados, sino que también se alinean con la cultura de su empresa.

servicios de consultoría de recursos humanos

Nuestros servicios de consultoría optimizan su estrategia de fuerza laboral para el éxito. Ofrecemos experiencia en cumplimiento normativo, manuales para empleados y creación de paquetes de compensación y beneficios, entre otras áreas, lo que garantiza que su organización esté completamente equipada para gestionar sus recursos humanos de manera eficaz y en consonancia con los estándares de la industria.


Quienes somos

En consonancia con nuestro compromiso con la diversidad y la inclusión, en Talent Connect nos aseguramos de que los clientes se beneficien de las perspectivas y los talentos únicos de personas de diversos orígenes. Fomentamos un entorno en el que todos se sientan valorados, respetados y capacitados para aportar lo mejor de sí.

Nuestro personal se distingue por sus certificaciones de la Asociación Nacional de Servicios de Personal (NAPS, por sus siglas en inglés) como Consultores Certificados de Personal (CPC, por sus siglas en inglés) y Especialistas Certificados en Retención de Empleados (CERS, por sus siglas en inglés). Además, nuestro equipo es completamente bilingüe en inglés y español, lo que nos permite atender de manera eficaz a clientes y candidatos en ambos lados de la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México. Esta capacidad lingüística garantiza una comunicación clara y una comprensión más profunda de los matices culturales que pueden afectar el reclutamiento y la gestión de recursos humanos.

Trabajamos con un número selecto de clientes para brindar soluciones personalizadas con atención al detalle, calidad, altos niveles de eficiencia y satisfacción total del cliente.

En Talent Connect, estamos listos para asociarnos con usted para lograr sus objetivos de reclutamiento con precisión, excelencia y un profundo conocimiento del dinámico panorama internacional.

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  • Chrysanne Weber

    Especialista en adquisición de talento
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    Por Lizzette Weber 16 sept, 2024
    As we approach 2024, workplace dynamics are shifting dramatically. The relationship between employers and employees is evolving, and organizations must rethink their approaches to management, culture, and hybrid work. To succeed in this new environment, leaders need to stay informed and proactive. 1. Global Worker Stress Remains at Record Highs While employee engagement has been making a comeback, it hasn’t yet offset the record-high levels of stress in the workplace. Gallup’s recent report reveals that over 52% of employees in the U.S. and Canada feel stressed daily—a troubling trend that impacts not only productivity but also employee retention and wellbeing. This ongoing stress crisis is tied to workplace demands, post-pandemic adjustments, and economic pressures. Leaders must take a holistic approach to addressing employee wellbeing by introducing stress management programs, flexible work policies, and support systems that prioritize mental health. In 2024, the challenge for leaders will be to determine whether the positive rise in engagement can outpace the negative impacts of stress, ensuring their teams remain productive, healthy, and motivated. 2. Engagement Is Slowly Recovering, but Connection to Purpose Is Dwindling Employee engagement has started to rebound from the post-pandemic slump, but there’s a growing concern: employees feel less connected to their company’s mission and purpose. This lack of connection can result in employees doing just enough to meet expectations, rather than going above and beyond. When employees feel aligned with an organization’s values and purpose, they are more likely to push toward excellence, be more productive, and stay with the company long-term. Leaders must focus on rebuilding this connection by clearly communicating their organization’s goals, celebrating successes, and ensuring employees understand how their work contributes to the bigger picture. 3. Trust in Leadership Is Slowly Rebounding Trust in leadership took a hit during the pandemic, and while it’s slowly recovering, the current state of trust is still alarmingly low. Only 23% of U.S. employees strongly agree that they trust their organization’s leadership, creating a disconnect between employees and decision-makers. For leaders, restoring trust means stepping up communication efforts, being transparent, and fostering a supportive environment where employees feel heard. When leaders actively engage with their workforce and inspire confidence in the future, the impact is profound: 95% of employees in high-trust environments say they fully support their leaders. Building trust in 2024 will be a cornerstone of effective leadership, helping organizations navigate change, build resilient teams, and foster loyalty across the workforce. 4. Managers Are Under Pressure and Need Support Managers have faced unprecedented challenges over the last few years, juggling increased workloads, tighter budgets, and the emotional strain of leading teams through uncertainty. Gallup’s research highlights that managers are more likely to experience burnout, disengagement, and work-life imbalance than non-managers. This “manager squeeze” is a significant concern for organizations, as managers are critical to driving team collaboration and engagement. Leaders must take action by investing in manager training and support, giving them the tools they need to succeed in today’s fast-paced, ever-evolving work environment. Without adequate support, these issues will trickle down to the rest of the team, negatively affecting employee performance and overall engagement. As we look to 2024, leaders must prioritize developing resilient, well-equipped managers who can handle the complexities of today’s workforce. 5. Hybrid Work Is Here to Stay, But It Needs a Strategy Hybrid work has become the norm for remote-capable employees, and most organizations, especially large enterprises, have accepted that this arrangement is here to stay. In fact, a recent survey of Fortune 500 CHROs revealed that 80% have no plans to reduce remote work options in the next year. But simply offering hybrid work isn’t enough—organizations need a clear, long-term hybrid work strategy that optimizes productivity and collaboration. Leaders should focus on creating a compelling workplace value proposition that appeals to both in-office and remote workers, ensuring that the benefits of hybrid work (flexibility, work-life balance, increased engagement) are fully realized. Additionally, training managers to lead hybrid teams effectively, fostering strong communication, and revising performance management systems will be essential to maintaining a positive hybrid work environment in 2024. 6. Hybrid Culture Offers Big Benefits—If Done Right Hybrid work isn’t just a trend—it’s a powerful way to boost employee engagement, reduce turnover, and improve overall well being. However, it comes with its own set of challenges. As more teams work remotely and on varying schedules, leaders must be intentional in maintaining a strong hybrid work culture. Organizations that want to thrive in this model must prioritize building relationships, enhancing team collaboration, and reinforcing company values, regardless of where employees are working. Leaders and managers alike need to focus on maintaining clear communication, promoting trust, and creating opportunities for employees to stay connected and aligned with company goals. When done right, hybrid work can significantly improve retention and talent acquisition while reducing employee burnout and expanding access to a wider, more diverse talent pool. At Talent Connect , we understand the complexities of navigating these evolving workplace trends. Whether you’re looking to improve employee engagement, develop stronger leaders, or implement a sustainable hybrid work strategy, our expertise in executive search and HR services will help your organization succeed in 2024. Let’s connect and explore how we can help you drive organizational growth, build stronger teams, and navigate the workplace trends of tomorrow.
    Por Lizzette Weber 06 sept, 2024
    Transitioning from a peer to a management role can be one of the most challenging yet rewarding steps in a professional career. It requires a shift in mindset, new skills, and the ability to navigate the complexities of leadership. Here’s what first-time managers need to know when stepping into their new role: 1. Shift Your Focus from Self to Team As an individual contributor, your success was about your own performance. In a management role, the focus shifts to your team's performance. It’s essential to “flip the script” and shine the spotlight on others. Your success is now tied to how well your team performs. 2. Set Clear Expectations Communicating openly with your team about your new role is crucial. Address any potential awkwardness by discussing the transition with former peers. Setting clear boundaries and expectations from the start will help manage relationships and create a productive environment. 3. Embrace Delegation New managers often struggle with the temptation to continue doing the work themselves. However, true leadership involves empowering your team by delegating tasks that align with their strengths. This not only helps develop your team but also builds trust. 4. Seek Training and Coaching Management is not instinctive; it requires learning and growth. Take advantage of formal leadership training, coaching, and mentorship opportunities to develop the interpersonal and strategic skills needed to lead effectively. A self-assessment can also help identify your leadership strengths and areas for improvement. 5. Build a New Support Network Don’t go it alone. Connecting with other managers at your level is essential to gain insights and advice. Cultivate a peer group of fellow leaders to share best practices, challenges, and strategies for success. 6. Create an Infrastructure for Success For organizations, providing structured support for new managers is key. A well-prepared leader is one who’s been given the tools to succeed. Organizations should ensure that leadership development, training, and mentoring opportunities are in place for smooth transitions. Stepping into management for the first time is both challenging and fulfilling, but with the right preparation and mindset, new leaders can not only navigate this transition but thrive in their new roles. At Talent Connect, we’re committed to supporting professionals through every stage of their careers—helping them become the effective leaders of tomorrow. Stay connected with Talent Connect for more insights on leadership, talent development, and HR best practices !
    Por Lizzette Weber 12 ago, 2024
    With Hundreds of Benefits Now in the Mix, How Can Employers Decide What to Offer?
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    Nuestra misión

    es brindar una experiencia de reclutamiento personalizada a nuestros candidatos para que puedan alcanzar sus objetivos profesionales y de plan de vida, así como ayudar a nuestros clientes a evolucionar asistiéndolos en la búsqueda de talento especializado con cualidades y competencias propias de su organización que les permitan alcanzar sus metas.

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    es la adaptabilidad a las necesidades de cada negocio y situación del mercado, reinventando procesos y aportando valor añadido con servicios creativos e inteligentes según las necesidades únicas de cada uno de nuestros clientes.

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    como presidente de eventos

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    Cámara de Comercio de Chula Vista

    como miembro de la junta directiva

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    Fundacion Internacional de la Comunidad A.C.

    Miembro del Consejo Asesor de Educación

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    Atraer a los mejores talentos puede llevar mucho tiempo, ser costoso y complejo, pero la ciencia y el análisis pueden simplificar y acelerar su búsqueda, al tiempo que mitigan el riesgo. Nuestro compromiso con usted es: Comprender los problemas y las oportunidades dentro de su industria.

    • Comprenda los problemas y las oportunidades dentro de su industria.
    • Aprecie su cultura corporativa.
    • Reconozca los desafíos que son exclusivos de su organización.
    • Conozca a los candidatos más adecuados para liderar el camino a seguir.


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